Hello, my name is DJVG. Born in the winter of ’91 in NL and busy with computers and electronics ever since. While I was born way too late for the real beginning of computers I enjoyed playing on my father’s 486, when I was about 10-ish I bought my own, old, computer on a flea market near my house, I guess this was the real start of my interest for computers. While a lot of friends were busy with playing games and homework I prefered understanding computers and was working on them day and night. When I went to high school I started to host the classes website (people could chat, upload pictures and read the school news). Not long after this I started to host MTA servers from home, I got a second internet connection and I have to thank my mom for allowing me to make all those changes to the house.

Not long after this I was in need of more bandwidth and bought my first server: Compaq DL360 G1 and put this in my first ever colocation rack in Easynet DC Schiphol Datacenter.
After this things went fast, I started to host more and more websites and other services. This was the moment I started VG Internet Services and put my second server in GlobalSwitch Amsterdam. Hosting more and more websites I decided to expand and rented more space in the Interoute Schiphol datacenter.